Standards my sites conform to

All of the wesbites that I produce are hardcoded from scratch for the most simplist code possible. All of the sites also use CSS, this makes modifying a whole site far easier by just modifying the stylesheet hence updating all the pages, instead of updating each page seperately. The sites are all compliant with XHTML 1.0 Strict standards and these standards are introduced at the start of coding the site.

Tabular Design

I hate tabular design for websites, it is lazy- they are intended to display tabular data, not website layouts! Using tables for layout increases bandwidth usage beacause the user has to download the whole presentation data set again and again. This can give you increased bandwidth costs, passing the cost back to you. This is why all of my sites contain no tables for layouts at all! Click here to join the table free campaign.


Please use the links at the bottom of any of the pages to validate my sites for XHTML, CSS and table free design conformity.